Sunday, June 24, 2007

What Would Jesus Do

What Would Jesus Do. WWJD. Does it sound familiar to you? It must be for many Christians (even the non-Christians) all across the world. Here is what Wikipedia compiles about this abbreviation. Yeah... surely it is such a wonderful saying, right? Hm...

In my first encounter with WWJD through an article in Christianity Today, I had nodded my head in deep agreement with that saying. But given it a little bit further thought, I find it to be more disheartening than encouraging. Why? Because to start with, I certainly am not Christ. Don't get me wrong. I believe that Jesus was fully man as He was fully God while He was here. I believe that although He remained sinless, He did struggled so severely against every single temptation He was to face. John Piper said in his Desiring God book that as Jesus kept on being successful in overcoming one temptation after another, His level of test was much deeper than any men ever live. Because if one man fails at one temptation at a level, the level of difficulty for that test does not have a chance to go any deeper. But Jesus never failed, not even one test. Imagine the stage He had to go through as He was trully and fully man while going through them all.

But I am not Christ. I wonder, had Jesus ever done anything stupid like me? Had He ever disobeyed God the Father? Had He ever failed at temptations like me? Had He ever committed sin that hurt not just other people but on top of that God the Father? I can add up the list and all answers will come back as "NO". He was not me. I am not Him. It is impossible for me to to do as what Jesus had done in His earthly life.

"For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted."
Hebrew 2:18 NASB

My peace finally came as I read that verse above. The word "come to the aid" now makes things sensible again. Instead of focusing on WWJD, I now see it as "What Would Jesus Do For Me". Once again, the meaning of grace illuminated my dark thoughts. By grace I will be enabled to face every test that becomes my portion, BECAUSE of His grace as my aid. He does not merely give me example, but more than that He comes to my aid to make sure that I will pass any test! What a grace!

Last but not least, I now understand that it is actually "What Would Jesus Want Me To Do" instead of WWJD only. He knows my every weakness. He does not merely know, He understands. He understands that I am not Him. He understands that it is unrealistic to demand that I in my capacity were to do things like Him, without His grace. What He asks is that I do my part and let Him do His.

What Would Jesus Do? No, mine are firstly What Would Jesus Do For Me and secondly What Would Jesus Want Me To Do. The description in Wikipedia also mentioned that the phrase is actually about "acting in a manner in which Jesus would approve. So, it is not about to be Jesus by trying to do what He would do in every situation. But it is about following His example while realizing that I am not Christ. I am (called to be) the imitator of Christ (Ephesians 5). To be like Christ because of His grace.

Thank you Lord Jesus for waking me up from this stupidity and absurdity. Blessed be Your name forever! Thank you for loving me despite my "quality"...

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